Aleph Sanctuary - Mati Klarwein - exterior view
Photo: Pablo Gonzalez
Aleph Sanctuary - Mati Klarwein - view from entrance
Photo: Pablo Gonzalez
Aleph Sanctuary - Mati Klarwein - looking up
Photo: Pablo Gonzalez
The original Aleph Sanctuary was a portable 3 x 3 x 3 metre cubic temple made out of various metals and wood and panelled with 68 original paintings of various sizes. It was built between 1963 and 1970. That chapel was subsequently dismantled to remove the original paintings.
The chapel was rebuilt in 1992 using aluminium diatrans and plexiglass panels lit by rows of fluorescent tubes.
The Aleph Sanctuary, along with Grain of Sand featured in the 2007 touring exhibition "Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era," organised by the Tate Liverpool.
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