Evil by Mati Klarwein - 1972

Evil by Mati Klarwein (1972); record album cover art - cover of Live Evil by Miles Davis
Evil - Mati Klarwein - 1972

I hooked up with Miles the way I hooked up with everything else in life: through the women I've known.  Be they friends or lovers, they are all mothers with excellent taste.  Without them I'd be a dead spermatozoid in a dry puddle, and Miles saw that in my paintings.  The only time he discussed subject matter was for Live-Evil.  He asked me to paint a toad for the 'Evil' side.  So I painted J Edgar Hoover as a toad in drag - which turned out to be another one of my prophetic insights.

This painting, along with Live, was used as cover art on the Miles Davis album Live-Evil.

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